Both information and useful information can be found at the Help Desk. Please contact the Help Desk for orientation, re-orientation, data about the story, purchasing the printed Ex Novo Libris as well as general inquiries into mental health
Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 1: First Tentatively Explosive Issue!!! Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 2: Now With 800w Power To Heal, Brother!!! Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 3: Does The Token Minority Character Die?!? Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 4: Wakin' Up In Great Grandpa's Bed... Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 5: Raise Not Up Your Hell On High!!! Book 1: Poop-Monkey: A Love Story: Part 6: How Goes The Enemy?!? Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part I: The Fjords of Furgatory Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part II: The Hell: What, In It, Is Going On Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part III: The Inexorable Logic of Fate Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part IV: Farewell, Lil Blue Book 2: The Invention of the Microscope: Part V: Augh, My Eyes!!!!!!! & Epilogue
BOOK 1: POOP-MONKEY: A LOVE STORY free online version (2004) BOOK 2: THE INVENTION OF THE MICROSCOPE free online version (2011)
   Welcome to the Experience of Novo Libris. If you don't have any issues - or even if you do - it's best to start reading at one.

If this is your first time, please establish a hidden retreat for safe enjoyment. Use common sense safety measures. Do not stick your arms, legs or thoughts outside of Ex Novo Libris while reading. Do not laugh at the illustrations. This can be hazardous to the functions of your mind which process every day activities. Take regular breaks. If you begin to experience a loss of feeling or tingling sensation in the cerebral cortex, please get up and tend to your loved ones and pets. Do not attempt to open Ex Novo Libris without the absense of a trained technician. It is recommended that you maintain levels of confusion appropriate to each section. However, in case of emergency agitation, consult ORIENTATION AREA.

For improved functionality and general well being, consult TRADE PAPERBACK COLLECTIONS depicted below.

Ex Novo Libris: Book One: The Complete Poop-Monkey: A Love Story BOOK 1: POOP-MONKEY: A LOVE STORY   TRADE PAPERBACK (2010)
The first (and only?! no!) book of the Ex Novo Libris universe, now in valuable physical format. Defend your favorite prog-metal country-music hip-hop graffiti from static electricity and solar flares by investing $12.72 (plus shipping & handling) in your physical copy today. Book 1 includes over 240 pages of comic goodness comprising the complete six-issue story in powerful, high-resolution black ink, all original filler comics, a full-color cover gallery page and the author's first attempt to explain himself since being born -- a special 2-page introduction to Poop-Monkey. On top of that, you get an ultra-pretentious, ultra-exclusive, ultra sketch book page section because that seems like the thing to do these days. To direct such a volume to your address, venture into the ...

ZONE OF PURCHASING BOOK 1 (opens in new window).
Ex Novo Libris: Book Two: The Invention of the Microscope BOOK 2: THE INVENTION of the MICROSCOPE   TRADE PAPERBACK (2011)
You have imbibed the alpha. Now own the omega. While the online version (menu at top of page) remains free and up-to-date with all issues, the full version of the last issue (with epilogue) is only included in the printed volume you order from ...

ZONE OF PURCHASING BOOK 2 (opens in new window).
... well, that is, unless you want the whole story — no bonus pages or extra trimmings — in one stark be-chapter-ified volume with stylish separators for each chapter and full epilogue. Then you should proceed to ...


Due to the plot development's close ties to the hyper-accelerated lifetime-hopping self-discovery of those found in Ex Novo Libris, no relevant or grounding snapshot of a character can possibly conceal all "spoilers" in the book. Please, consider the following dossiers as if they were from a parallel universe Lex Ovo Nibris in which continuity is faithfully maintained and nobody ever changes.

Seimas Esra

Medea Fosley

Junella Michaels AKA Korsa

Sidney Frankson

Mister Head
AKA Munk Bo Yun

Delse Gluwitz

James Bande

Carlson Ghetson

Doctor Stanley

Jack O'Nairny

Random Background Characters

The Narrator

  END of ALL SECURITY - Good Luck!  

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4. Are you furious with my Frank Zappa-like insistence that illogical and unmarketable titles should not be an obstacle to the artwork for any true partison of art with pure intentions?

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If annoyed that I would compare my scrawlings to the person behind Watermelon in Eastern Hay, click YES, EXTREMELY.