Episode 11: Chiji

Download (160 kbps | 45 MB) Length: 52 minutes 15 seconds Guest: Chiji Ochiagha Co-op association: 2008-or-so through 2014-or-so Host: Maxeem Konrardy Notes: Check out the Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op! Check out the photographer who got this great snapshot of Chiji! Dwain Linden!

Episode 4: Ian and Mark (Part 2)

Download (128 kbps | 45 MB) Length: 39 minutes 43 seconds Guests: Ian Morris and Mark Ambroe Co-op association: 1992 – 2002; living there about 3 years and 10 years respectively. Host: Maxeem Konrardy Notes: The Co-op Wars a film by Deacon Warner and Erik Esse